Getting Vendor addresses based on Address type in AX 2012 R2/R3

The following query gets the vendor addresses  select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by v.accountNum order by dpl.isprimary desc, lpa.recid) as AddressNumber,v.ACCOUNTNUM,lpa.ADDRESS,llr.NAME from VENDTABLE V  join DIRPARTYLOCATION Dpl on  and dpl.ISPOSTALADDRESS=1  join LOGISTICSPOSTALADDRESS lpa on dpl.LOCATION=lpa.LOCATION    join DIRPARTYLOCATIONROLE dplr on dplr.PARTYLOCATION=Dpl.RECID  join LOGISTICSLOCATIONROLE llr on dplr.LOCATIONROLE=llr.RECID  where llr.TYPE=10 — Can be any type as perContinue reading “Getting Vendor addresses based on Address type in AX 2012 R2/R3”